What makes up a brand

Brands are made up of a number of different elements and all of these come together in a strategy that can be created by a Brand Strategy Agency to help you ensure that all the collateral that you create is on brand and focusing on the messages that you want to convey to your audience. Really Helpful Marketing Brand Strategy Agency, for example, can help you with all aspects of creating a brand strategy, as well as helping you with any implementation needs that you might have.

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Brands essential have a number of different functions and a business may want their brand to cover a number of these functions. The main ones that used include:

  • Identification – this is how people identify a business from their branding. This can include the logo that is used, the colours in the branding and any tagline that you might have associated with your business.
  • Promise – is when a brand makes a pledge to their customers as to what they can expect of their organisation.
  • Asset – for many larger companies the brand becomes one of the biggest assets that they have. When they come to sell the business, it is this asset that will often increase the sale price.

There are a number of different elements that make up a brand and these can be categorised into those that make a part of the visual design of the brand, the product features (these are classed as tangible elements) and then other areas such as the brand’s reputation and customer loyalty (these are classed as intangible elements). Both the tangible and intangible come together to make the overall branding.

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When a company looks at their branding it may occur at a number of different levels. There will be the overall company branding which is what people think of when the brand name is mentioned. Next, there may be product branding. This often occurs when a brand wants to make a product stand out on its own. If you think of the many different drinks companies and then the branding that they have for their individual drinks, it will give you an idea of the different levels of branding.

Some of the key areas of a brand include:

  • Attributes
  • Benefits
  • Values
  • Culture
  • Personality
  • Customer Profile

All of these elements come together to make up the overall brand for the company. By understanding each of these areas you can ensure that all of the information that is produced by the company is on brand and works towards the same goals and vision that you have set for the business. Having a brand strategy in place will pull all of these areas together in one document that you can share across your business.

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