A good rest is one of the basic pillars of good health, but…
Who has not had any night of tossing around and around in bed unable to sleep?
If you are someone who has problems in falling asleep, I can give you some clue to sleep better.
1- Make your last meal at least 2 hours before going to sleep and try to be light. When the stomach has a lot of work to digest, it is much more difficult to fall asleep. If you’re hungry right before bed, drink a glass of water and see how the sensation of appetite disappears.

2- It incorporates regular exercise throughout the day. Having an active life helps you sleep better and regulate our sleep cycle, even when exercise occurs several hours before bedtime. In fact, avoid exercise just before going to sleep; it will have the opposite effect. Therefore, look for time in the day to exercise your dream and thank you.
3- Leave your work at work. A good way is preparing before you leave a list of tasks that begin the next day. Thus, the brain can disconnect. However, I understand that may be difficult for you not to think about work at night (especially if you have an important meeting or presentation) but the better prepared you leave it, the better you sleep. Alternatively, put another way, the better you sleep, the better you surrender at work.
4- Find your best bedtimes. Establish routines help build good habits. Lying down regularly at the same time not only predisposes the body and mind to rest but also will allow you to have an optimal sleep. As a rule, estimated about 7 and a half hours before the time at which you want to wake up every day. Over time, you’ll be adjusting for the sleep you need (not all need the same hours). You should probably give up something (television, radio, etc.) but break your health and thank you. In the end, it is a matter of choice, and the rest should be one of your priorities.
5- Forget caffeine and alcohol in the hours before certainly you know the effects that caffeine and alcohol have in your brain and none is good to help you sleep. The stimulatory capacity of caffeine makes you should avoid it for many hours before. In addition, on alcohol, although it may seem to have some effect adornment will prevent have deep sleep your body needs to rest.
You may also like to read another article on CarolineJoyBlog: 8 Reasons why oats should not miss in your daily diet
6- Find a relaxing activity (preferably without screen). At this point, you probably already know that the most common electronic devices in the bedroom (mobile, tablet, laptop) emit a light that suppresses melatonin, the hormone that “encouraged” to your body to sleep. Read a book, listen to some music, mind over the day can help you avoid using those devices that can ruin your sleep.
7- Reduce the temperature of your body sure you noticed that when it’s cold outside, it is easier to sleep. This is because the body temperature naturally decreases at night when bedtime. Therefore avoids unnecessarily raise (excessive clothing, high heating) and try to keep it down. A hot water bath an hour before bedtime allows that temperature change that would improve your rest.
Believe it or not, bad habits at bedtime have a very negative impact on your health and on many occasions, are the trigger other problems (apathy, emotional eating, etc.). These are some of the recommendations that I have worked with clients in health coaching processes do you dare to share what works for you?