The 5 Best Sports To Lose Weight

Sports To Lose Weight

The sport helps you lose weight, everyone knows that. However, there are some disciplines that, more than others, they burn calories and increase metabolism. Discover here the sports best suited to regain shape quickly.

Needless getting around it: the physical activity is essential in any weight-loss program. In addition to the power control, the sport needed to keep the muscles toned avoiding flaccidity, help the metabolism to awaken – and thus burn more – and better health in general.

If your primary goal is to do exercises to lose weight, however, know that not all sports are equal. Those to lose weight faster? Discover them below.

Ah, another important thing to keep in mind: to lose weight as fast as any sport should be practiced in the morning, just got up and before breakfast.

Here are some of the exercises you can do it at home and that will help in order …

1. The fast run

 Sports To Lose Weight
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Let’s start with a fact: the ride can burn calories per 1 kg of body weight per kilometer. A person of 60kg burns so 60Kcal on average every kilometer traveled, and more or less every 57 minutes of activity. Not true? But there is a way to increase this calorie consumption: practice sprinting.

This is because the heart works at higher levels of heartbeat, blood circulation is faster, the body temperature increases and, in essence, it accelerates the basic metabolism.

2. Swimming

 Sports To Lose Weight
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Among the many benefits of swimming, there is also to involve almost every muscle, from the neck to the tip of the toes. If then it is practiced trying to increase a bit the speed and permanence in water – for example, by repeated with a short pause between a tub and the other – it has been demonstrated that there is a correlation between the increase of the speed and increases the calorie consumption of up to 11 calories per minute, or about 550 per hour. Swimming bores you? Try the water aerobics, as good physical activity to burn without sweating too much.

You may also like to read another article on CarolineJoyBlog: In shape for the summer: The advice for proper and effective workout

3. The court

 Sports To Lose Weight
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The court allows to burn well 660 calories per hour, but it makes you lose weight only if practiced for an hour and a half since it alternates phases of work-intensive to downtime. It is a sport that stresses especially the legs and the shoulder of the arm that is holding the bat. So it’s asymmetric physical activity, requiring a clearing exercise for the arm that does not play and therefore it is less involved.

4. Cycling

 Sports To Lose Weight
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Suitable for people of all ages, the cycling is a sport at the highest calorie consumption up to 1,000 Kcal per hour.

Cycling means to involve larger and powerful muscles of the legs, from the quadriceps and buttocks, and not forgetting the calves.

Cycling is also a very enjoyable activity, especially when done outdoors, planning more challenging routes gradually and also fascinating from the landscape point of view. And after a good (and intense) bike ride a dish of good pasta you’ll be more than earned it!

5. The CrossFit

 Sports To Lose Weight
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Lately very fashionable among the characters of the show, and very versatile because it is a sport that many can practice, the CrossFit is a physical activity that, based on high intensity, brings considerable benefits to both the building muscle mass is the loss of fat mass and weight, thanks to the increase in metabolism and the general caloric expenditure.

In addition, you can practice knows alone or in groups, both in the gym, with the right equipment, but also to the park or at home.

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