5 most exciting sports

exciting sports

A fashionable trend in recent years has been to rediscover exciting sports for themselves, the peak of enthusiasm which fell over the past two centuries. Popularity also returns to traditional Russian sports, such as, for example, small towns or lapta.

Although diving, kiting, kitesurfing, parachuting is very widely known, the number of people engaged in them is relatively small. This is due to the relatively high cost of equipment and initial training, and the fact that they all usually require constant training, good physical fitness and often involve a risk to health or even life. Exciting sports for our country, selected by Forbes, require much fewer forces and means and are much less traumatic (at least the majority of them). But at the same time, they help to keep fit, to make new friends and enjoy life.

Exciting sports cave divingexciting sports

Otherwise, it is called “cave diving”. Cave diving is the most difficult kind of diving, it involves diving into caves under water. The main danger lies in the fact that if there is an urgent need, an operational uplift is impossible. First, you have to find a way out of the intricate cave moves, do not forget that the degree of visibility in such places constantly fluctuates, so losing the landmark and simply getting lost is easy. Everything will end favorably if the stocks in the oxygen tanks are sufficient for the whole route. Otherwise, the “cave” immersion can be tragic. Read more: Skincare for people over 60 years

Exciting sports base jumpingexciting sports

It uses a special parachute for making jumps from selected objects. The height of such objects is rather small, so the brave athlete remains in reserve the minimum amount of time to group and opens the parachute correctly. Even a small error in jumping can easily deprive a person of life. Read more: What to buy the recently retired

Exciting sports surfingexciting sports

The seaside or the open ocean, the sun’s rays and the sense of unlimited freedom make it the most tempting sporting activity for extreme people. By the way, the longest and officially described travel is 3 hours and 55 minutes. Imagine how great this is! In 2011, the absolute champion of the Panamanian Islands, surfer G. Saavedra decided to deliver a stunning record and overcome more than 66 km in 4 hours. The wave for this purpose was artificially designed. At the same time, Panama surpassed the last world record four times, which was set by the British S. King.

Exciting sports rock climbingexciting sports

Despite all the danger, it is called an incredibly beautiful and breathtaking occupation: picturesque mountain views, a huge height, a lot of strong emotions and impressions. A man who has once experienced this from his own experience, will not be able to give up other opportunities to conquer new peaks. For rock climbing, training, general endurance, and training are necessary.

Exciting sports rafting

The process of rafting along rapid rivers with numerous rapids and small waterfalls is dangerous, but the quite exciting hobby.

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