Healthy snack ideas to take to work

If you are trying to lose weight or look after your health, the office kitchen can be an absolute minefield.

With peckish colleagues filling the cupboards with biscuits and treats, or well-meaning colleagues with a talent for baking bringing in their latest successes, it can quickly add up on the scales and discourage even the strictest dieter. One way to resist temptation is to fill up on healthy snacks which leave you feeling satiated without the extra calories or additives.

Here are some healthy snack ideas to take to work with you.


Crudités – batons of carrot, celery or another raw vegetable – with a dip are a great filling option, cheap and an easy way to get veg into your diet. Try a flavoured hummus like roasted garlic or lemon and coriander, or a red pepper dip for variation. Crudites are a good option for office lunches as well, and specialist lunch providers such as offer these as a healthy option to feed your team.

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Trail Mix

Trail mix is a high-energy healthy option for a snack to keep you going in the afternoon. Almonds and other nuts are full of healthy fats and oils, and dried fruit such as cranberries, raisins and dates are full of fibre and will give a tasty, sweet hit without UPF nasties.

A Cup of Soup

Soup is filling and healthy, can be full of fibre and veg, and is a warming hug-in-a-mug on cool days. It’s also easy to transport and you don’t need to heat it up if using a flask.


Fresh popcorn is whole-grain, low-calorie and not covered in nasties like some pre-packaged types. It takes up little space in your bag, and it will also leave a lovely smell in the office if you want to make it there!

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Toast and Nut Butters

A simple option, but non-UPF bread and nut butters are a healthy and delicious way to snack in the workplace. Bread is filling and nut butters have lots of nutrients.

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