Caring for the view

Caring for the view

Most of the information we receive from the outside world comes to us through our eyes: they are the main source of information in our environment. In addition to capturing information, also help us communicate with others: our eyes are very expressive and can often express more than our own words, revealing our mood.

Through the eyes, perceive images that are transmitted as light waves to the brain: the brain interprets them there and turns them into visual information, offering data such as colors, shapes or degree of brightness of the reality around us. The view is a really fascinating way: eyes and brain work together so that we have all the information we need almost instantaneously. However, for all this system work perfectly you need to take care of our eyes with great care.

Caring for the view
Image Source: Google Image

Eye care and have healthy eyes

Then we leave you with the most important and relevant information to prevent visual problems and care our eyes and our view…

Clarity, always under control

Have you ever experienced eyestrain, sore eyes or red eyes after being exposed to excessive clarity? It may have been skiing in the mountains or even at work or at home after spending many hours on the computer. In addition, it is that excessive clarity can cause damage to our eyes. Whenever you’re outdoors, even in winter, try to protect your eyes with dark glasses; and at home or at work be sure to accurately regulate the brightness of the screens of mobile, computer and tablet.

Relaxes ocular structures

Are you one of those who spend a lot of time reading a book or staring at a screen? In most cases so: for work or for studies we must maintain the fixed view and focusing on a nearby object for many hours. Remember that you need to rest your eyes regularly: to do, nothing easier than to leave for a few seconds looking at the screen or page on which we are focused and focus on objects that are far from us. Thus, our eyes will rest and we can continue our activity without problems.

How far is your screen?

Too close to our eyes, display can cause various problems. When our eyes are relaxed they tend to focus far, and if we force them to focus on a near object on a bright screen for a long time this can cause dryness (which can solve at first with artificial tears) or eyestrain. The ideal distance when settling in front of our computer screen will always depend on the size of the monitor, but the general rule is to leave at least 40 to 50 centimeters between us and the screen. Moreover, we cannot forget to have a good posture at the computer to avoid back pain or neck.

Go to an eye examination once a year

Especially if your work depends on your eyesight or if you are over 50, you should not let go a year without an eye realizable review. Over the years our vision is degenerating and we tend to lose sharpness and focus, but even for conditions that occur due to age, early diagnosis and subsequent early treatment can help us keep a good view no longer suffer great loss thereof.

Your eyes will provide information throughout the day, when you get out of bed until back to sleep. Work all the time that we are awake to offer us a lot of valuable information about what happens around us Take care to keep in top form and they can continue doing their job for many years.

You may also like to read another article on CarolineJoyBlog: When diabetes damages your eyes?

What are the foods that help me take care of sight?

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is also important when taking care of our eyes. Being overweight, hypertension or cholesterol are factors that can contribute to the degeneration of our eyes and we can hold off through adequate food: stay our weight and consume plenty of antioxidants through intake of fruits and vegetables will help us to prevent premature aging of our eyes.

Among fruits and vegetables is the best choice on the one hand of red and bright yellow like carrots: these have a high content of beta – carotene that the body is responsible for transforming into vitamin A, which helps prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. It is also containing a pigment that helps us see better in low light or with low lighting.

The fruits and vegetables bright green, like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli, contain a good amount of lutein, a nutrient that is also found in our retina and thanks to its antioxidant power helps us to fight aging that age causes in our view.

Colored lenses to protect your eyes

When you buy sunglasses, what is the first thing that you look? It is very likely that we choose our sunglasses depending on their design: if you feel good about the shape of my face, if they are fashionable this season … leaving aside other important factors regarding the health of our eyes. These are the two main things you have to look for yourself with sunglasses that protect your eyes…

  • Sunscreen: When buying sunglasses, they have to have a sticker on the category of sunscreen used on a scale from 0 to 4. Regardless of color lenses indicated, the category of sunscreen it responds to the fact that the crystals are more or less dark and transmit more or less, visible light. The category 0 corresponds to the colorless lenses or with a very soft color, category 3 are indicated for use, for example, summer in the city, while those of Category 4 are reserved for special occasions, such as the desert or the mountain.
  • The lens color: Many believe it’s simply a matter of fashion, however, there are colors most appropriate lenses for certain environments than others. For example, if you are driving is better than use a gray lens, barely alter the colors, a yellow, which can be confused with the colors of traffic lights. In the case of outdoor sports, it is best to opt for brown lenses, as they improve contrast.

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