Tips to get a pretty lips

Pretty lips

You want to get pretty lips and manicured? Follow some tips for beautiful and flawless lips.

Sometimes not enough to apply cocoa on the lips. Many people think that c on cocoa is enough to get beautiful and healthy lips. But do not be fooled! It is very important to exfoliate your lips to remove dead skin cells and regenerate.

We have selected a few tips to get some nice lips that can help you get a well hydrated and shiny lips. Put them into practice and check the results.

Tips to get a pretty lips

First of all let’s start exfoliate. Follow these step by step instructions.

Recipe for a lip exfoliate in your own home

  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • A few drops of olive oil

Mix everything until you have as a result a uniform mass.

Pretty lips
Image Source: Google Image

How does it apply?

It’s very simple. With your finger slather lips with exfoliating recipe you just made and circular pressing a bit. After a few minutes with a damp towel removes the remains of exfoliating lips. Finally do not forget to put some cocoa.

More tips to get some pretty lips

Follow these Tips to get pretty lips without any effort, you can have the voluminous want whenever your lips…

At the time of showering or bathing, take the sponge to gently rub the lips with hot water. The steam and heat will help to remove dead skin and cleanse the pores step.

Take a toothbrush and brush your soft lips. Then apply yourself cocoa cream to keep them hydrated. Recommendable is that once a week moisturizes your lips thoroughly. You can do it with a little olive oil. Apply on your lips for at least half an hour.

It is vital to drink each day two liters of water. Hydration is very important to do it from the inside out. One trick to make your lips appear more voluminous is to highlight the natural line of your lips.

In the event that they are thin and small, you can draw you one second line above which we have already marked.

Find a color pencil that is equal to the lipstick.

White shadows. With a small brush apply a small amount of white shadow above the lips and down.

Do not forget the middle.

Now diffuses the white shadow so that the portion that is closer to the lip which is whiter stay, and that is farther from the lip which is less white.

This will highlight your lips and make them appear larger.

Apply brightness. If you put a little polish, you get an optical effect even more volume.

Use the lipstick. Metalized or pastel colors are those that create a visual effect of more volume.

The color of lipstick should always be consistent with the color of our skin, like the maquillage, this way you get a perfect look.

There is a huge variety of colors to wear lipstick, but undoubtedly, the most noteworthy is the nude.

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The nude is a color that looks good on anyone

Good color nude is that it is a very versatile tone. It can be used on any skin tone at any age and is perfect time to go for a simple and natural makeup it is magnificent.

Tips for applying lipstick

To achieve a radiant makeup using the nude color, you have to follow guidelines when using it. Because though not stand out too much, you have to give a touch of color to the lips.

If applied properly, your lips quickly become bulky and large. Always choose a lipstick that have a little shine or have a slightly pink hue, this will prevent your skin look pale.

To test whether a lipstick you be good or not, try to paint a little below the palm, where the pulse is taken, since it is this area that has the closest thing to our face tone.

Test the product on a site where there is natural light. Since artificial light can give the wrong impression about your skin tone and color of lipstick, this way you avoid these moments of confusion.

Choose the perfect tone for you

For white or pink skin: Choose nude tone following the same principle as when looking for a rouge.

If you have fair skin you prefer lipsticks with pink pigments or peaches, combining with the background tone of the skin, leaving a more harmonious look.

For white or yellowish skin: Women with yellowish skin tones, such as Orientals, can search colors with brown pigments, yellow or peach, ideal for a beige background.

For brown skin: The brunettes tend to prefer darker colors with terracotta or gold funds.

For black skins: If you have this type of skin you should bet on gold hues, caramel, brown or brown, these colors will give a more natural look to your look.

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