How Can I Introduce More Color Into My Home?

When introducing color, decorators will use a focal point, which is an element within a room that is guaranteed to draw the eye. It can be anything you wish, from a striking architectural arrangement to an outstanding piece of artwork that you are proud to own. Once you have chosen your focal point, adding the right color around it is very easy to do.

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Showcasing the focal point

Most decorators will use three distinct elements to introduce color into beautiful houses, bringing the focal point to the forefront: flooring, paint and wallpaper.

Flooring choices

The first thing that visitors often notice in most beautiful houses is the flooring. Seen first from the entryway, professionally installed flooring quickly establishes the prevalent decorating trend in a home and perhaps making them eager to see more. The focal point choice will influence the type of flooring and color you add to your home.

In its simplest form, adding an area rug in a vibrant color will showcase a particular grouping of furniture. At the next level, you have the option of bringing in hardwood flooring, decorative tile, or anything else to enhance the color scheme. Light or dark flooring will set the stage for any color you want to showcase in an area. There is plenty of online inspiration at sites such as

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Paint and Wallpaper

Using paint to establish focal points in a home is easy. It is also a way of showcasing your sense of style. At its most basic, keep concepts of light and darkness in mind. If you have a room that is predominantly filled with dark furniture or a combination of light and dark, the paint choice should be a softer shade of a primary color. You do not even have to paint an entire room these days unless you want to. Brighten things up within the room by adding a complementary color to a single, prominent wall instead, making it the focal point.

Once thought to be old-fashioned or out of style, wallpaper can truly bring out someone’s artistic personal style. Whether you do one wall or more, you can choose patterns that will complement the interior design. There is also wall art that takes the place of traditional wallpaper. As a bonus, it can be removed or changed as the mood strikes.

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