Desserts to have at Christmas

There has recently been a systemic shift in our taste buds. The one time classic of Christmas pudding has seen a steady slide in popularity down primarily through the last decade. Less and less of us will finish our Christmas dinner with this thick fruit and suet concoction. What are the alternatives to the Christmas Pud, and more importantly, can you set them on fire like you can the traditional choice.

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  1. Mince pies. Not very far removed from the Christmas pudding option, this traditional standby, with some brandy butter, custard or cream, is still a popular choice. Easy to home make as well.
  2. Lemon cheesecake. Christmas roasts are but claggy. The rich gravy and roast spuds can be a bit overwhelming for the mouth. Why not have a lovely crisp lemon cheesecake to clear the palette? Not so heavy on the tum.
  3. Ice cream. A good bowl of Vanilla or Strawberry is a great choice. Like the lemon cheesecake; it’s a clean, crisp sweet treat.
  4. Alternative Puds. Realising that now everyone was a fan of the Christmas Pudding manufacturers have looked at using other flavours like Chocolate and Toffee Apple to keep the pudding shape. However, you can’t set it on fire like the other options.
  5. Tiramisu. There is never bad time for tiramisu as a dessert option.

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Other options are to have an early Cheeseboard and biscuits. Not everyone has a sweet tooth. Whatever you do and wherever you are, be it living the Park Home Life like those in a Park Homes Gloucestershire site or elsewhere have a great time.

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